An article on making use of the built-in audio player for backing tracks etc.
Relevance: Professional, Essentials
Power Music Professional and Essentials both use Windows Media Player for audio playback.
Audio playback is useful for rehearsals, band practices or for backing tracks when performing.
How to attach an audio file to song
There are two ways to attach an audio file to a song:
- Use the Playlist Sidebar in full screen mode
When the playlist sidebar is visible in full screen mode you will see a link at the foot of the sidebar "Link audio file". When you click this link you can browse to an audio file on your computer. Once you have selected the file you will see the media player at the foot of the sidebar ready to play your audio file. You can see this in the sample song "Alla Turca" which is provided with sample audio.
Select "Auto-play audio" to automatically play the audio when the song is displayed, regardless of whether the sidebar is visible or not. This is useful for backing tracks. - Use the Song Editor
Select the song in the main list and click the "Edit Song" button in the toolbar.
Select "Audio" in the Details list on the left.
Click "Link audio file" and browse to an audio file on your computer. Use the icon on the right to test the sound.
Save the song.
Audio playback
Press the "Audio" button in the main select song screen to open the media player window and start playback of the audio file. You can reposition this window and Power Music will remember the position for next time.
In full screen mode you can use the playlist sidebar media player if visible, or the shortcut key "A" or "a" will launch the media player window in full screen mode. Select "Auto-play audio" to automatically play the audio when the song is displayed.
If the sidebar is not visible and you don't want the media player window to be displayed, go to Tools - Settings - Full screen mode. There is a checkbox "Use Media Player window when Playlist is hidden". Uncheck this to hide the media player window in full screen mode.
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